Friday 19 August 2016

The event has raised bumps, seemingly very minor incident
But there is a lesson for the people who think:
A few days ago a cat, the baby in my house.
I wanted to love them very much but the cat was a kitten will not let me near him. In fact, if I grew a little by his children he was abroad.
The day before yesterday I saw that the cat was walking around feeling hungry. I gave him milk. She was still afraid of me.
After a long time to be hungry, and drink milk to me.
The same day at night I gave him milk.
The next morning when I got near the door so the cat curled up at my feet, and with his children. My mind was bound.
I drink milk for the cat to just twice
I was so grateful and thankful that I got back to my feet.
My God!
My God, I'm open for so many years,
I sleep,
Is set,
Giving every blessing in the world.
But why do not you fire at his feet.
Why would not we be grateful and owe it to her to go?
This is why, if Allah had said:
Who uهu willing LCM alsma ualأbsar ualأfydة short Ma tsكrun
And Allah is He Who made for you ears, eyes and hearts, but you pay a lot less sugar.
Verse 78 of Surah Mu'minūn.

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